Sky. Julio Blanco 2011, Digital, 24 x 36 inches. (61 x 91cm)
This is a piece I created on Fractal Painter, a professional, digital painting program that simulates all media, surface, brushes, pencils pens and other. I find it very interesting because of the endless possibilities it offers the artist in terms of transparency, immediate access to materials and paint as well as color control. The strokes are very different in that the artist can draw a very large and or small stroke on a very large canvas using a smaller scale. For example, to apply a stroke the size and proportion on a digital canvas using a pen is effortless while doing the same stroke on a surface you would need the equivalent of a mop or huge brush that really does not exist. I also like the fact that I can paint paintings while drawing at my desk. I will be posting many of these digital paintings, please leave me your comments and or questions.